“The process of learning should be as far as possible a pleasurable one and not laborious” – Mahatma Gandhi

The above quote is the guiding principle of the work that is done at the primary level (I to III) of SSVN PUBLIC SCHOOL (CBSE). The curriculum is made interesting by teachers. Children are not burdened with heavy school bags and a lot of homework. At the primary school level the emphasis is on learning right values and acquiring skills.

‘DAY OPENING TIME’ sessions provide children opportunities to understand the importance of values and of making the right choices. They learn to communicate with others and develop self-confidence.

In the initial stages, focus is on oral language development. Gradually other skills are integrated into the curriculum. Activity based teaching makes learning enjoyable. Children are taught pottery, drawing and craft that sharpen motor skills.


An integrated curriculum with emphasis on subjects is followed

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Science
  • II Language ( Hindi, Kannada)
  • Drawing
  • Other Co-curricular Activities
  • Language Pattern

All schools following Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) need to follow a three-language formula. The medium of instruction is English. Second language is also introduced in Class I.

A child studying in private CBSE schools studies Hindi only as a language and English is the medium of instruction to learn all other subjects.

Language Options

  • I Language – English
  • II Language – Hindi, Kannada

Assessment system is devised in a manner that is stress – free for the child. Continuous assessment considers the child’s performance throughout the academic year in the following areas: written class work, home assignments, unit tests, work sheets, planned activities and class room discussions.

Grades are allotted in the books / unit tests / worksheets along with detailed remarks about the child’s performance and progress. Remarks offer suggestions for further correction / improvement of the child’s performance.

Grades based on continuous assessment are entered in the assessment report for skills in English, Number Work, Environmental Studies, Second Language, Art and Craft, Games and Physical Education. A 5 point rating scale has been formulated to assess skills in various subjects. Skills in language include reading writing, speaking and listening. Subjects like Math and Science include concept development too. Skill assessment is continuous and is reported twice a year.

A section of the report also includes assessing a child’s ability in visual arts, music and physical education. Teacher’s observation of the child in areas of emotional development, social skills, class room behavior, personal habits, health and hygiene is recorded in the “Student’s Personality Profile”. The minimum grade is ‘B’ which indicates that the child needs improvement and the maximum grade ‘Ex’ indicates that the child’s performance is excellent. This informal system of continuous assessment has been designed in accordance with our integrated approach to education that includes values, communication skills, self discipline, creativity, games, social skills and academics which is the core essence of CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation).


Children need to become self- reliant and independent learners as they go into middle school. The process of transition begins from Class V . Teachers use methods like peer group learning, co-operative learning, project methods and other different media like theatre and newspapers to facilitate learning. Rote learning is not encouraged. Children are instead trained in various study skills by the respective subject teachers and this helps them learn and understand better.

Students from class six are taught to maintain files and note down points in sheets. Questions posed in various assignments, tests and exams are high on application, linking concepts taught in class to the real world. Assessments vary from small projects in core subjects to book reviews in language classes. From Class VII onwards, children are slowly trained to handle larger portions to make their transition to high school easier.

Subjects taught are English, II and III languages, General Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Art and Computer Education. III language is introduced in Class V in the school.

Children have various activities like Yoga, Life skill classes, Global Awareness Program, Hobby classes and other experiential activities during school hours.

Language Options

  • II language offered for classes V to X: Hindi/ Kannada
  • III language offered for classes V to X: Hindi/ Kannada


Secondary School is preparation for children to become independent learners focusing on their course of study and the personal goals that they want to achieve. The subjects that they study include English, Second and third languages, General Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Art and Computer Education.

Language Options

  • I Language – Compulsory English
  • II Language – Hindi/Kannada
  • III language – Hindi/ Kannada (only till Class VIII)